Nathan for You

This comedic docu-reality series follows Nathan Fielder, a socially awkward business advisor who tries to use his business background and life experiences to help struggling businesses, frequently offering them outlandish strategies that no traditional consultant would dare attempt. No idea is too ridiculous as Nathan parodies the methods of other consultants with outlandish and elaborate marketing plans. And while Nathan’s efforts may not always succeed, they always have big results.

Each episode introduces a business, its owner, their struggle, and Nathan’s elaborate plan of how to fix it. Hilarity ensues as we watch the plan unfold. Sometimes the plans garner actual widespread media attention, unbeknownst to the media, like in the case of “Dumb Starbucks” and “Petting Zoo Hero.” Nathan’s clothing company Summit Ice, launched in an episode of the show, has also seen success.


Nathan Felder

Created by

Nathan Fielder
Michael Koman

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Release Date

February 28, 2013

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Editor’s Note:

Nathan for You had us both cringing and crying laughing. Somehow his outrageous and roundabout ideas are seemingly welcomed by the business owners. And technically, they often work! But the process is quite the sight to see--and laugh at.

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