This documentary follows a filmmaker, passionate about ocean life, as he sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species and subsequently uncovers alarming global corruption.
From the folks who opened our eyes with Cowspiracy, this new film illuminates the war being waged in our oceans that is not only destroying marine life, but also our chances of a habitable future on Earth.
Where are the big environmental groups? What do those “dolphin safe,” “wild caught” or “sustainable” fishing methods labels truly mean? What about cultures or communities that rely on fishing?
Editor’s Note:
”If you care about a future on this planet, this film is a must-watch. It's not an overtly vegan film and does a great job highlighting the travesties occurring in our oceans, the role we play in that, and the role we can play in changing it. Hint: it's really not plastic straws.
Ну и хорошо.
Thanks for the good article. I hope you continue.